EnergiData is a market-leader within energy remediation, and its web-based energy management system MinEnergi is the first and most advanced of its kind in the world.

EnergiData/MinEnergi has been a client of Klint & Co since 2004.
In February 2012 it was decided to upgrade website and sales instruments into an integrated and web-based communication system - facilitating ease-of-use for the sales personnel as well as a modular concept for creating content ensuring that everything fits together in all media and on all platforms.

The model is based on highly standardized formats for input: text, images, models and animations are styled and structured in flexible modules to ensure media- and platform-independence in as wide a degree as possible.

Furthermore, our new brand management and distribution system, Visual Brand Master, takes care of easy and personalized sharing of sales and data sheets with existing clients and clients in-spe and has become an efficient and ACTIVE sales-tool for the sales-department saving time and resources on a daily basis.





A "web-safe" logodesign


The logo/logotype was originally created in 2004 and based on the Verdana "web-safe" typeface to make all communication more practical. This was a challenge in the sense that the rather common typeface suddenly had to appear in a context where it was supposed to create unoque identity.

The logotype was literally developed on top of Verdana and the use of the font throughout the identity design was combined with a rather strict use of colours and shading. All in all to ensure the strongest possible visual identity set up in a "web-safe" environment.

The logotype explained

The logotype explained





Media- and platform-independent


All content is streamlined and standardized text- and image-wise to ensure coherent handling in regards to creation, input and output.

This saves time and provides the sales personnel with a user-friendly way to combine sales material quickly and individually for different target groups.

The main website at EnergiData.dk

The main website at EnergiData.dk

Access to interactive brochures

Access to interactive brochures

The modular brochures designed in a variety of versions for download, print and interactive online view

The modular brochures designed in a variety of versions for download, print and interactive online view

Excerpts from the interactive brochures

Excerpts from the interactive brochures





Interactive web-based content management system for easy sharing of sales-material


Visual Brand Master has been developed to keep track of all brand related files - in this particular case with a focus on sharing sales brochures and data sheets online with clients and clients in-spe.

The whole point is to give easy and quick access to the files that need to be shared via a flat and coherent structure and large thumbnails that enables the user to actually see what is inside the file.

A flat file structure ensures easy and quick access to all files

A flat file structure ensures easy and quick access to all files

Large thumbnails give the viewer instant overview of the content

Large thumbnails give the viewer instant overview of the content





Website design and GUI for the MinEnergi software


MinEnergi is the leading system for internet-based energy management and was originally developed by EnergyData in the late nineties. It has since then undergone constant development.

Focus is on the many tools for creating maximum overview of energy consumption to ensure that all energy systems are running optimally.

Calendars and graphs are important aspects in ensuring full control over the energy consumption

Calendars and graphs are important aspects in ensuring full control over the energy consumption

Alarms and logs keep the user up-to-date with the running of the energy systems

Alarms and logs keep the user up-to-date with the running of the energy systems


To view the initial EnergiData 2004-project click here